Why do gray hairs appear?

Over the years our body begins to change, some things will no longer be the same as before and we will not feel the same way as when we were young. When we begin to age many things in the physical begin to change, a clear example of this is the appearance of gray hair , although, on some occasions, gray hair usually appears before the age of 30.
Regarding this, many people may have wondered why gray hair appears and this is because this white hair begins to lack melanin, which is the pigment that gives color to hair, skin, body hair and the iris of the skin. the eyes. In the case of hair, the more melanin it has, the darker it is.
It is important to keep in mind that there are 4 different types of gray hair and here we will explain what they are:
Annular: This type of gray hair appears scattered in the hair, although it also appears in the form of strands.
Premature: It is when the appearance of gray hair occurs in childhood or before the age of 20.
Physiological: They are related to aging and their appearance starts from the front.
Poliosis: It is the appearance of gray hair in specific areas that form a white patch of hair, either on the hair, eyelashes or eyebrows.
For its part, regarding why gray hair appears, it is also due to hereditary factors, excessive stress, a diet low in nutrients and proteins, suffering from hypothyroidism, vitiligo or having a vitamin B12 deficiency, as well as poor hygiene, smoking and use excessive use of irons, dryers, dyes and other chemical products for the hair.
In addition, there is also the question if it is possible to avoid gray hair and the answer is no, but if it is possible to slow down the appearance of gray hair. Similarly, it is important to keep in mind that the appearance of these, in most cases, begins between the ages of 20 and 30, but they are subtle or fall off without realizing it. That is why here we will give you some tips to avoid the appearance of gray hair.
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Exercise.
- Do not drink alcohol or smoke.
- Avoid stress.
- Do yoga or meditate.
It is important to highlight that gray hair should also be taken care of, as it is still hair. Do not worry thinking that you will look bad, on the contrary, gray hair gives a touch of elegance in both women and men.

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Why do gray hairs appear?
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