Curious facts about Twitter

The social network Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass. At the beginning it was a microblogging platform and it was in SMS format, in which it was allowed to write 140 characters and it became a trend for people to immediately publish their thoughts, ideas and everything they did during the day.
It should be noted that the idea for Twitter originated within the company Odeo, an audio and video website. At the beginning, this social network was used by the employees of said company. Even in the beginning of the application, it did not have Twitter as its name, but rather Status, and over time it was renamed as we know it today, since its creators mentioned that it was named Twitter for its meaning: a short burst of inconsequential information.
In 2008 Twitter had only 18 employees, but in 2009 it took a big step by multiplying its collaborators and beginning to spread throughout the world. It was at that time that the advertising service was adapted, but it did not have any cost until the users increased.
Now, we will know a little about the curiosities of Twitter
10 Fun Facts About Twitter
- The first tweet was published on March 21, 2006 by Jack Dorsey, CEO and founder of Twitter.
- About 70% of users are women.
- It is currently the eighth most used application in the world, since with the arrival of TikTok and the update of the others, it was removed from its position.
- Twitter is the application in which conflicts break out the most, they publish their differences and create debates.
- Twitter is available in more than 25 languages.
- Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion.
- It is not used in China, North Korea, Iran, and Turkmenistan.
- Hashtags were first used in 2007.
- 60% of Twitter users enter via mobile.
- Barack Obama is the user with the most followers in the world.
Advantages of Twitter
- You access information immediately.
- Give a free opinion on a topic of interest.
- Interaction with more people.
- Create hashtags to make your posts known faster.
- You have the facility to access Twitter.
Disadvantages of Twitter
- If you use many hashtags, your Twitter account can be blocked.
- That they use your personal information for improper things.
- Receive indiscreet messages that can harm your personal and even professional life.
- That the information you want to give exceeds 280 characters.
- Given the case that it is a business account and that you do not respond to messages immediately, it would directly affect your company for not having a good service.
Once you have knowledge about the curious facts of Twitter, its advantages and disadvantages, it will be a little easier for you to identify this application that today is one of the most used and intuitive in the world.

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Curious facts about Twitter
Once you have knowledge about the curious facts of Twitter, its advantages and disadvantages, it will be a little easier for you to identify this application.

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