Interesting facts about dreams

Interesting facts about dreams

Dreaming is an activity carried out by the brain, allowing the human being to live experiences, give clues regarding an issue, see what we could be or could happen in the future and much more. It is important to mention that the dreams we have depend on the personality we have , the moments we have lived, the fears, desires, traumas, joys we have experienced or want to happen.

When we sleep we always dream, although according to studies, we do not always remember the dreams we have but only a small part of them. Even this topic has been studied for many years by scientists, but they have not been able to determine the reason why people dream. The interesting thing about dreaming is that we don't always have the same images, because sometimes we dream of happy, sad, unreal, terrifying moments or Déjà vu.

After several years of research, science has discovered several curious facts about dreams, with the main objective of discovering why dreams occur. In addition, it has been determined that dreams come from the basal forebrain, located in the lower back part of the brain.

10 curious facts about dreams

  1. Each person has between 4 and 6 dreams each night, although we do not always remember one or none.
  2. It has been scientifically proven that we dream before we are born, that is, when we are still a fetus.
  3. About 95% of dreams are instantly forgotten.
  4. Studies have determined that women's dreams are calmer, with greater details, inclusion of characters, scenes and others, while men's are aggressive or with more adrenaline.
  5. It is hypothesized that animals also dream, but it is more difficult to identify than in humans.
  6. It is estimated that 12% of humanity has black and white dreams, more than all those who lived through the era of black and white television.
  7. People can learn to control their dreams. Dream awareness gives the dreamer the ability to control the actions, content, and development of dreams.
  8. Those people who went blind at any point in their lives develop the ability to continue creating images in their dreams. But those who were born blind dream differently, as they represent the content of dreams based on what they smell, hear and touch.
  9. There are people who have the same dream. They have not yet been able to determine why this phenomenon occurs.
  10. Sleep paralysis is the inability to move when lying down. Our brain wakes up before our body and this effect can last between 1 and 3 minutes.

Knowing these curious facts about sleep allows us to recognize and identify when we have a dream and how we can react according to the content of your dreams.


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