Fun facts about plants

Without a doubt, plants, in addition to being beautiful, offer us a variety of species, colors, smells and other peculiarities. Thanks to plants and trees we can live and breathe. Although there are many of them, very little is known and there are few studies regarding plants, which is why in this article you will find some curious facts about plants that will surely surprise you.
1. Plants express distress signals
When you cut a plant, grass or tree, you perceive an odor from them which defines it as pleasant, this aroma is a signal for help from them to be helped. Likewise, we can also feel those odors when the plants have caterpillars or other pests that try to eat them and by expelling the odor they are calling wasps/bees to be helped.
2. They perceive music
Some scientific studies have proven that plants, in addition to perceiving music, also like it, as this helps them increase their growth in a more accelerated way. Although, it is noteworthy that it is not with all kinds of music, only with quiet ones.
3. Dandelion silver is edible , as its leaves are edible and offer great vitamins. In addition, with this you can make wine and soft drinks.
4. The camel tree , also known as baobab, monkey bread or planted tree, is capable of holding up to a thousand liters of water, so that during the dry season they do not die.
5. Aromatic plants are like a repellent for insects , especially for flies and mosquitoes, which protects us from bites and infections.
6. Caffeine is a natural insecticide produced by plants to kill insects that try to feed on them.
7. The largest tree in the world is located in Utah and weighs 6,000 tons.
8. Roses are the most cultivated and given flowers in the world.
9. The oldest tree in the world is 4,800 years old.
10. Plants can kill themselves if the conditions found are painful.

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