Curiosities about babies

When we are a new mom and dad, we begin to think, analyze and discover many curiosities about babies, which can leave us surprised, worried or overflowing with tenderness on several occasions. If you pay attention to the way your baby sleeps, breathes, moves, feeds and anything else, don't worry, it's normal when you're a first-timer, it's just a matter of enjoying each stage.
In addition, knowing a little about the curiosities about babies allows us to be attentive to any act they perform, change of attitude and even if they have any illness. It is only a matter of taking due care of him and that he permanently attend his medical check-ups.
Curiosities about babies that will surprise you
- According to a study by psychologists, babies have a knowledge regarding mathematics, because they are able to notice the difference between three objects. If they remove an object or add one, the baby will look at you, trying to find an answer and will be surprised.
- What surprises people the most is that babies always recognize the mother's voice because they hear it from the time they are in the womb.
- Babies' sleep does not distinguish whether it is day or night, which is why they sleep at any time.
- Newborns do not have the same body temperature as adults or children 6 years and older, so it is necessary that they are always warm and do not guide you if you feel hot.
- The sight of babies at birth is not yet developed. In the first months they see black and white and each eye works on its own or they go cross-eyed, what a curiosity about babies.
- At birth, babies have a total of 300 babies, but they are all sensitive and do not have the same resistance as adults.
- Many babies cry without tears in their first month of life because the tear glands and tear ducts are not yet fully developed.
- 80% of babies are born with a stain, some are removed during the first year, while others remain.
- Babies calm down more with the female voice than with the male, because they relate them to their mother's.
- Babies' hearts beat 130 to 160 times per minute, much higher than those of an adult.
Now that you knew these curiosities about babies , it reminded you of when you had your first child or you begin to imagine what the next one will be like. It is important to know that all babies are different, it does not matter if you have more than one or two children, they all have behaviors, tastes, attitudes, among other aspects that make them different from others.

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