5 curiosities about Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the intelligence expressed through machines, their processors and software. It also allows technology systems to perceive their environment, interact, solve problems, act and so on. In a few words, Artificial Intelligence can be defined as the ability that some machines have to present behaviors similar to or superior to those of human beings. Currently, we find this innovation around us, which facilitates many of our activities.
The concept of Artificial Intelligence was born in 1956 thanks to computer scientist John McCarthy, with the help of Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon, during the Dartmouth conference and was defined as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines. This group of scientists hypothesized that AI would be present in humanity in 10 years, which was not the case, but it did begin to appear in the 1990s.
In the same way, these scientists defined four types of Artificial Intelligence:
- Systems that think like humans: They mechanize activities such as decision making, problem solving and learning.
- Systems that act like humans: Computers that perform activities similar to how humans do.
- Systems that think rationally: They intend to compete with the logical-rational thinking of humans.
- Systems that act rationally: They try to rationally mimic human behavior.
After knowing a little about what this technological advance is, we will present you 5 curiosities about Artificial Intelligence
- Currently, in our homes we can find a device that takes care of our pet, monitors the house through video cameras, audio and loudspeaker, cleans and so on. All these advances make Artificial Intelligence full of curious data.
- According to studies carried out, devices that have Artificial Intelligence, in the not too distant future, will be able to replace the jobs of many people, forcing humans to leave professions aside.
- Among so many things, Artificial Intelligence has been created to help human beings, help them and protect them. Similarly, these artifacts will not be able to acquire emotional relationships with their own species and with humans.
- Artifacts that have Artificial Intelligence will be able to detect when people have depression. Although for now they cannot interact 100% with humans and understand them, what they can do is recommend articles, videos, images, movies or others that are related to helping to stop depression.
- Never try to argue with Artificial Intelligence, they will always seek to be right, even if you search for thousands of arguments that invalidate their information.
Knowing these curious facts about Artificial Intelligence allows us to be a little informed about what we are facing today, as well as that in the not too distant future it will be more present around us.

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