12 curious facts about science

12 curious facts about science

Science is full of thousands of curious and interesting data that we do not imagine exist and when we know something it generates more and more questions that often have no answer. Even, it is presumed that there are scientific topics that have not been revealed because they could generate great impacts on human beings, for now, in this article you will know a small part of the curiosities that the world of science offers us.

  1. Light takes 8 minutes and 17 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth's surface.

  2. The earth rotates at a speed of 1,609 km/h, but travels through space at a speed of 107,826 km/h.

  3. Spiders known as black widows eat the males after mating.

  4. More germs are transmitted by shaking hands than by kissing.

  5. The human brain produces electricity continuously and enough to power a small lamp.

  6. Humans cannot taste without saliva because the chemoreceptors in the taste buds require a liquid for flavors to bind to receptor molecules.

  7. An electric eel can produce a discharge of over 650 volts.

  8. When a person lies, the Pinocchio effect occurs, which causes the temperature of the tip of the nose to increase or decrease.

  9. Depression and stress can cause a decrease in brain volume due to loss of neural connections.

  10. A poison dart frog of the Golden Dart species possesses toxins to kill a thousand humans.

  11. A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.

  12. Spending more than three hours a day sitting shortens life.


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