10 curiosities of the human body that you should know

The human body is a complex but absolutely fascinating structure. It has been studied for many centuries, however it is still not fully understood and it is increasingly surprising.
Here are some curiosities of the human body that perhaps you did not know and will leave you with your mouth open. This way, you will always have something interesting to contribute to any conversation. Keep reading and find out what they are.
Fun facts about the human body that you should know
- The muscles in our eyes move approximately 100,000 times a day. For the leg muscles to match that amount, they would have to walk 80 km per day.
- Like fingerprints, each person has a unique and characteristic smell. And speaking of which, according to science, women smell better than men.
- Throughout a lifetime, one person produces enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.
- The heart is a totally powerful organ. In fact, the pressure it generates when pumping could reach 10 meters in distance if it were to leave the body. In addition, with the power it generates each day, it could move a car for 32 kilometers.
- Although it may not seem very important, if you did not have the little finger, your hand would lose 50% of its strength.
- In half an hour, the human body releases enough heat to boil a pint of water.
- There are more than three thousand taste buds on the tongue, which allow us to identify the different flavors such as bitter, salty, spicy and sour, among others. However, it is not an exact amount and some people may have more or less.
- When the baby is in the mother's womb, it can send its stem cells to repair the damaged organs of its mother. This transfer is called uterine microchimerism.
- Although there is much discussion on the subject, science says that the average size of a man's penis is three times the size of his thumb.
- The dust that you can see in front of the glare that enters through the window, as well as that that accumulates on the floor or on the furniture, is made up mostly of dead cells from our human body.

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The appearance of warts is due to a virus that is transmitted by touch, but it is not that it will appear immediately, no, it can take between 2 and 6 months

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